How much should I spend on marketing my plumbing company?

by Moe Bedard | Aug 27, 2024 | Plumbing

As a plumbing contractor, investing in marketing is crucial for growing your business and attracting new customers. Your marketing campaign isn’t an expense; it’s an investment in future sales and your ability to grow your business.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) recommends that businesses allocate 7-8% of their annual revenue to marketing. However, for plumbing companies, a slightly higher percentage like 9-10% of annual revenue is often recommended for optimal results.

The goal would be to aim for an return on investment (ROI) of $10 or more in revenue for every $1 spent on marketing. For a $1 million revenue business, this translates to approximately $90,000-$100,000 per year in marketing spend.

In our experience, contractors and home service companies should spend between 7 and 15 percent of total revenue on marketing, with 10 percent being about the average.

When setting your marketing budget, consider allocating funds to various channels. Here are some examples:

Digital Marketing:

Website design and maintenance
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising
Social media marketing
Email campaigns

Traditional Marketing:

Direct mail
Print advertising
Radio or TV spots
Community involvement and sponsorships

You should test different marketing channels and adjust spending based on performance.

In order to measure the effectiveness of your efforts, you need to constantly be monitoring how your marketing methods are performing. Try to track everything from cost-per lead, sales (and profits) to customer feedback to get an accurate picture of your marketing tactics and how well they’re working.

A good rule of thumb is to aim for a 5:1 ratio of revenue generated to marketing spend. For example, if you spend $1,000 on a marketing campaign, it should generate at least $5,000 in revenue to be considered successful.

If you’re a new plumbing business or working with a limited budget, start with a smaller marketing investment and gradually increase it as you see results. Focus on high-ROI activities like optimizing your Google My Business profile, gathering customer reviews, and creating a user-friendly website.

As your business grows and you have more data on which marketing efforts are most effective, you can allocate more resources to the channels that provide the best return on investment.

The best approach is to test different strategies to find out which methods work best for your business.

Remember, marketing is an investment in your business’s future. While it may seem costly upfront, effective plumbing marketing strategies can significantly boost your customer base and revenue over time.

By carefully planning your marketing budget and focusing on high-ROI activities, you can ensure that your plumbing business stays competitive and continues to grow in your local market.

If you need help. consider hiring a marketing agency like ours to help optimize your campaigns and budget.

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