Helping Contractors Fix, Scale or Sell Their Businesses

Get proven systems to fix, scale and sell a contracting, construction, or home service business

Join 3,300+ founders and get instant access to the 10 strategies to sell your company and retire with an income

Contractor Brotherhood is your go-to community to learn how to fix, scale and sell your business!

The Contractor Brotherhood was created to help educate contracting and home service business owners on how to fix, scale, and strategically sell their businesses.

Sadly, most self employed contractors have no exit or retirement strategy so many will end their careers with nothing to show for their years of hard work.

Whether you would like to sell or retire with a guaranteed set income, we help business owners make the best decision while ensuring their legacy lives on.

Backed by a professional network of seasoned contractors, business coaches and brokers, we seek to help exiting founders with the best strategies to sell that are beneficial for their existing employees and clientele during and post acquisition.

Let the Contractor Brotherhood help fix, scale, and sell your company today!


Every contractor or home service business owner goes through three stages

What stage is your business in?

Course lising

Fix My Business

You’re tired of being overworked and underpaid, feeling totally exhausted.

You’ve hit a wall and are ready to fix and grow your business. But you are not sure what to do next.

We specialize in helping contractors fix their daily operations so they can take their company to the next level.


Support technician

Scale My Business

You are looking to master the art of building a solid team around you to take your company to the next level.

Now, you just need the proven systems and strategies to scale your business to the next level to set you up for your exit plan or retirement.

Since we have done this ourselves, we can give your the blueprint to achieve your goals. 


Course listing

Sell My Business

You are thinking of selling a contracting or home service business. You understand it requires careful planning and execution but you are unsure of the right steps to take.

Our expert tips and insights will give you the expert knowledge of what it takes to make a successful sale and command the best price

You’re running your business going 100 miles an hour with no end in sight. With the uncertainties, questions and the loneliness of running a company, you need a guide to help take you and your business to the next level.

Bottom line, you are ready to man up and level up to secure you and your family’s future.

What Contractors Are Saying

“Systematizing and scaling my plumbing business seemed impossible until I joined the Contractor Brotherhood.

With Moe’s expert guidance, I fixed and scaled my company in less than two years in order to transition into retirement with a steady income and peace of mind.

I could have never done it without their help!”

John Grey

Grey's Plumbing

“I couldn’t have navigated the complexities of selling my HVAC company without the help of the Contractor Brotherhood.

Thier network and knowledge were crucial for me in getting the perfect deal so I could retire with an income.”

Dylan Thomas

High Country HVAC

“I’ve learned exactly what I need to do position my company to sell and retire by the time I’m 55. In the last 60 days, I have grown my revenue 3.5x and my local branding and marketing campaign iare paying off big time!

Moe and the Contractor Brotherhood are the real deal.”

Richard Thompson

Electrical Contractor, Thompson Electric

Meet Your Guide

Hi there! I’m Moe, the founder of the Contractor Brotherhood.

In the past twenty years, I’ve started, fixed, scaled, and sold three different businesses.

Fixing, scaling, and selling a business isn’t simple.

In fact, statistics show that 90% of businesses that start will fail within 5 years.

You are one of the hard working and lucky few who have made it. But have you?

The next stat you need to know is that one in eleven business owners fail to sell, leaving them with nothing after years of hard work.

But don’t worry, we are here to help!

Today, we coach contractors and home service businesses on how to fix, scale, and strategically sell their companies, ensuring they can retire with a steady income.

Let us do the same for you and your family!”

Learn How to Fix, Scale, or Sell a Contracting Business

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